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Hi Dr. Gorlin: This post is the 1st of yours I've read -- so I'm brand new to your world. Great article. I appreciate the depth of considerations you've brought to bear -- an certainly share your overall assessment. I would like to suggest however, that your trying to make the wrong word (perfection) right. It's trying to put the proverbial round peg into a square hole. Perfection is an abstraction, an ideal or concept. It belongs to the realm of Plato's dualistic mind-body divorce. As humans, we are embodied creatures living in a physical world. Perfection cannot be embodied. Looked at closely enough, or from enough different vantage points, nothing achieves perfection. Maslow had it right -- to be seeking our best selves. I think you have it right when you explain it as "seeking excellence". That's directional and achievable. It speaks to a way of being/living, it's not an out-of-body, unattainable, abstract, holy grail.

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